Friday, January 31, 2020

Bush and Obama Essay Example for Free

Bush and Obama Essay Democracy is generally understood to be the voice of the people in the governance of a nation. In this ‘rule of the people,’ the common folks have the power to control their own policies, that is, how they want to be ruled; and the elected leaders of the people are required to apply reason when listening to the voice of the people in planning and decision making. President George W. Bush was often blamed for refusing to listen to the voice of the people. He took America to two wars, thereby disturbing world peace. Following the Iraq War, he continued to consider taking aggressive action against foreign peoples that he believed to be enemies of the United States. , e. g. the Iranians. What is more, the Americans remained adamant about criticizing his foreign policy in particular. Yet, he did not always pursue the interests of the American people. Because democracy is good, and President Bush did not follow its fundamental principle, that is, listening to the voice of the people – he was not a good president. In fact, the American government seemed to have turned its back on democracy during the presidency of George W. Bush. The conflict in Iraq consumed a huge part of the U. S. budget. This issue remained as a matter of contention between the United States government and the people of America for several years. According to a CBS News Poll conducted in 2007, two-thirds of the Americans believed that violence in Iraq may be beyond the U. S. military’s ability to manage, and only 25 percent believed that the U. S. military could be helpful in reducing violence. Moreover, 63 percent of Americans disapproved of the president’s plan to send more troops into Iraq (â€Å"Poll: Most Doubt Iraq Peace, Iran Threat,† 2007). Seeing that the American people were the ultimate beneficiaries of peace through the end of the conflict in Iraq, and it was their tax money that the Bush government was expending on troops; it would have been appropriate for the president to withdraw U. S. troops from Iraq when the majority of Americans were asking for it. By withdrawing its troops from Iraq, the United States would have released the finances that were tied up for troop buildup in the foreign country. Those funds, once released, should have been used by the government in solving the health care crisis facing America. Unfortunately, however, the Bush government did not take a wise stance to resolve the health care issues facing America. Furthermore, the Bush government left America in dire straits as far as economic conditions are concerned. Current President Barack Obama Americans had been asked even before the presidential elections of 2008 about issues that may influence their votes. The majority of prospective voters, that is, eighty-seven percent of those that had participated in the research, had indicated that the deteriorating state of the U. S. economy would definitely influence their votes. The second most important issue happened to be energy, backed by seventy-seven percent of the research participants (â€Å"More Americans Question Religions Role In Politics,† 2008). Unsurprisingly, President Barack Obama had indicated before the elections that his Number One priority in the office of president of the United States would be to â€Å"build a new alternative-energy economy,† combining the two dominant issues in the minds of the prospective voters (Klein, 2008). For the reason that Barack Obama knew the mind of America and agreed with it one hundred percent, he is sure to be a friend of democracy and an improvement over George W. Bush. Once it was determined that Barack Obama would, indeed, assume the role of U. S. president, that is, a manager of the prosperity of the nation, voters in the presidential election 2008 were asked about the dominant issue to have influenced their votes. The response was not quite different. The feeble state of the U. S. economy was declared the most important issue to have influenced American votes for the new president. In fact, at least six out of ten voters participating in the research reported that the economic recession of 2008 is the most significant problem facing America (â€Å"Inside Obama’s Sweeping Victory,† 2008). To put it another way, Barack Obama was seen as most capable of handling the financial crisis facing the nation. Based on the principles of democracy, because Americans understand how their country must be managed, they must be judged as correct in their belief that President Obama would, indeed, help America out of the economic crisis. Obama Looks Better in History Books Hundred Years from Now Philip Elliott writes that â€Å"Barack Obama tapped into Ohio voters fears about the economy and their desire for change† (Elliott, 2008). Ohio was, of course, an important state for the election of George W. Bush. They had backed him because of the values they believed he personified. This time they backed Barack Obama because of the financial crisis facing the country (Elliott). Barack Obama was promising change to America. Nathan Gonzales of the Rotherberg Political Report states that â€Å"the American electorate was really primed for change† (Young, 2008). Bill Clinton and Al Gore had entered the White House with a program for economic renewal (Conason, 2008). As the leader of their Democratic Party now, President Obama is expected to continue their legacy and help America retrieve its prosperity. Joe Conason writes that economic programs created by the Democrats usually succeed in promoting economic growth because they tend to â€Å"distribute national wealth more widely than the Republican tradition of trickle-down† (Conason). This is backed by statistics, according to the author. Thus, Americans are expecting Barack Obama to somehow turn the current economic recession into economic growth. Once President Obama has succeeded in achieving this goal for America, he will be recognized as an American hero – a designation that was historically reserved for the whites alone. Moreover, being the first black president in the White House, President Obama is sure to work smarter not only to live up to American expectations but also to reverse the damages inflicted upon the country by the theory of racism. Bush may be compared to his father, if not the other white presidents of the United States. But, Obama is truly unique. In history books written hundred years from now, it is Obama’s name that will be remembered with greater fondness. Unlike Bush, the new president of the United States will provide relief to America from distress. He brings change, after all. Bush, on the contrary, had brought distress. This is the main reason why John McCain, despite his strong background in politics, was not chosen as America’s darling in the presidential election 2008. He reminded the Americans of George W. Bush (Young). References Conason, J. (2008, Dec 3). Obama’s Winning Argument. Salon. Retrieved Mar 21, 2009, from http://www. salon. com/opinion/conason/2008/11/01/obama_closing_argument/. Elliot, P. (2008, Nov 5). Obama Rides Economic Worries to Victory in Ohio. USA Today. Retrieved Mar 21, 2009, from http://www. usatoday. com/news/politics/2008-11-04-2264020452_x. htm. Inside Obama’s Sweeping Victory. (2008, Nov 5). The Pew Research Center for the People the Press. Retrieved Mar 21, 2009, from http://pewresearch. org/pubs/1023/exit-poll-analysis-2008. Klein, J. (2008, Oct 22). Why Barack Obama is Winning. Time. Retrieved Mar 21, 2009, from http://www. time. com/time/politics/article/0,8599,1853025-1,00. html. More Americans Question Religions Role In Politics. (2008, Aug 21). The Pew Research Center for the People the Press. Retrieved Mar 21, 2009, from http://people-press. org/report/? pageid=1364. Poll: Most Doubt Iraq Peace, Iran Threat. (2007, Feb 12). CBS News. Retrieved Mar 21, 2009, from http://www. cbsnews. com/stories/2007/02/12/opinion/polls/main2464626. shtml. Young, J. (2008, Nov 6). Obama Victory Reflects Solid Campaign, Shaky Economy. VOA News. Retrieved Mar 21, 2009, from http://www. voanews. com/english/2008-11-06-voa18. cfm.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Marcus Aurelius Essay -- essays research papers

Marcus Aurelius was born on April 20, 121 AD into a family of royalty. His uncle and adoptive father, Antoninus Pius, was the emperor of Rome. Aurelius, too, was trained from birth to be a great ruler like his father. At age eleven, he dedicated himself to religion, although he considered philosophy to be the "true, inward" religion, one which did not require ceremonies necessary in others. He was appointed by Emperor Hadrian to priesthood in 129. The Emperor also supervised his education, which was with the best professors of literature and philosophy of the time. From his early twenties, he deserted his other studies for philosophy. In 161, Marcus Aurelius ascended the throne and shared his imperial power with his adopted brother Lucius Aurelius Verus. Useless and lazy, Verus was regarded as Marcus’s sidekick, but he died in 169. After Verus's death, he ruled alone. In the movie Gladiator, Marcus Aurelius is a sick ruler who is fighting against the Parathions to take over the land and make his empire greater than it was. The movie never showed Marcus Aurelius in his youth when he was the ruler, but only showed when he was a dying man. Of course, the movie was not based off Marcus Aurelius, but it could have gone more in depth of what his beliefs were on life and his citizens. The movie kind of represents Rome as a great city, but in reality, while Aurelius was the Emperor, Rome was not all that great. Aurelius went through a tough t...

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Mun Ga Resolution

RESOLUTION 1-1 Topic: Approaches to Prevent the Acquisition of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) by Terrorist and Extremist Organizations Sponsor: Angola Bearing in mind that a Weapon of Mass Destruction is any nuclear, chemical, or biological weapon that can cause indiscriminate death or injury on a large scale, Taking note of the terrorist group AL-Qaeda along with some North Caucasus terrorist groups that have consistently stated that they seek nuclear weapons and have tried to acquire themFurther reminds that Osama bin Laden has stated that the acquisition of nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction is a â€Å"religious duty†, Noting with deep concern the secrecy of the possession of a nuclear weapon and the effects that follow due to the difficulty to locate the weapon, Viewing with appreciation the Treaty of Pelindaba (signed in 1996 and came to effect in 2009) which establishes a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Africa,Deeply Disturbed by the attack of Hiroshima and Nagasaki conducted by the United States in WWII and the effects of the nuclear bombings that caused large amounts of destruction and injury, Applauds the Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate's (WMDD) measures to prevent threats from becoming an attack, Taking into account the access of nuclear weapons in the U. S. , UK, France, Russia, China, Pakistan, India, and North Korea, The Republic of Angola, 1. Calls upon the creation of a committee that focuses on terrorist groups and their use and retention of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and the ame of the committee as, The Research Committee of the Abolishment of Terrorism/Extremist Groups and Their Use of WMDs (RCAT); 2. Requests the RCAT conduct the following research of: a) the availability of WMDs to terrorist and extremist groups; b) what WMD certain terrorist groups are holding or trying to gain possession of, such as stated in preambulatory clause #2 and on line 3 & 4; c) Focusing on where these groups are learning h ow to make and/or getting these weapons from as well as where they store them; 3.Requests funds from countries who oppose and whom are affected by terrorist and extremist groups; 4. Further requests that troops, from the countries who are providing funds, be brought into countries who have agreed to such aid, with large amounts of terrorist/extremist threats for a period of 6 months while the committee is in research, in hope for protection and security for those who are affected and giving information to the RCAT to further gain participation from witnesses who know of these groups to suppress the groups' progress; . Calls for all countries to properly maintain their WMDs and the supplies to create them, in order to keep these supplies from exposure, in fear of the creation and possession of WMDs by terrorist/extremist groups also in fear of a potential attack; 6.Suggests that WMDs and supplies are maintained in a facility that is guarded by trained government officials and take re commendations from other nations, who are experienced in storing them, and use their recommendations to determine the site, building, and measures to keep them safely secured and from getting into the hands of terrorists and extremists groups; 7. Asks for full support from countries being affected by terrorism and

Monday, January 6, 2020

About Medical Residency and Training After Medical School

Many applicants to medical school dont realize that becoming a doctor is not just a matter of graduating from medical school. A great deal of training occurs after graduation, during residency.   Residency typically lasts three years. It is during residency that you will specialize in a particular field of medicine. Residency by the Year The first year of residency is also known as an internship or first year residency (PGY-1 for post graduate year 1, the first year out of medical school). Interns generally rotate among specialties. During PGY-2, the second year of residency, the doctor continues to learn the field, focusing on a specialty area. Fellowship, PGY-3, is when the doctor trains in a sub-specialty.   Daily Tasks Residents are expected to fulfill several tasks daily. Responsibilities of a resident can include: Rounds (talk to each patient about their care).Rounds with the team: teams include several interns, an upper-level supervising resident, and an attending or teaching physician taking care of certain patients. Students are often questioned/drilled about diseases and treatment techniques. Students are able to speak with each patient about their needs and make suggestions for further diagnostic tests and treatments.Students check in with some patients again and delve deeper into their treatments.Residents leave notes or instructions on each patient including possible problems that may arise for the next shift resident.Attend various lectures and conferences.Study at home and work. Students may admit new patients and are expected to: Prepare a history of the patients medical past.Perform a physical examination.Write their admitting orders, which include instructions for tests and medications. All of this work is accompanied by an average annual salary of   $40,000 to $50,000.